Thursday, March 14, 2024

ABSTRACTS - Room 315 

1-315 // Academic Integrity in the Age of AI



     Laura M. Foley - Instructional Designer; Missouri Online
     Kirk Wilkins - Missouri Online

Audience: Higher Education

Time and Location: 12:15 - 1:00 p.m.; Room 315 (and online via Zoom)

MODE: Blended (Online Presenter + Online/Face-to-Face Attendees)

You want to trust that your students' work reflects their honest efforts and abilities, but in the age of AI, you might fear that cheating is inevitable in the online environment. Is that the case? Let's discuss how to create a learning environment that supports academic integrity in any modality.

2-315 // Flip Cards: A Tool for Dimensional Analysis


Presenter: Dr. Lauren Strawsine - Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Westminster College

Audience: Higher Education; K-12 Education

Time and Location: 1:15 - 2:00 p.m.; Room 315

MODE: Blended (Face-to-Face Presenter + Online/Face-to-Face Attendees)

Flip cards are an inexpensive manipulable tool for dimensional analysis (also known as factor-label method) that can help stuck, lost, or perfection-paralyzed novice and advanced learners calculate a variety of science and math problems. In addition to aiding in the visualization of unit cancellation, flip cards normalize guess and check methodology in single and multistep conversions with or without corresponding equations. Along with a demonstration, this session will include a discussion, reflection, and assessment of flip card use in a variety of chemistry courses at a small private liberal arts college.

3-315 // Strategies on Being Funny in Class



     Kris Baranovic - Instructional Design Manager; Missouri Online
     Dr. Brad Mitchell - Design Manager; Missouri Online
     Mark Orr - Instructional Designer; Missouri Online

Audience: Higher Education

Time and Location: 2:15 - 3:00 p.m.; Room 315

MODE: Blended (Face-to-Face Presenters + Online/Face-to-Face Attendees)

Research supports using humor as a means of easing learning and creating engagement. This session provides several methods of bringing humor into courses without undermining the seriousness or importance of the subject matter or the instructor's authority.