
Harmonize is a discussion board platform that integrates into Canvas. It can be used to replace graded Discussions, as well as provide both students and instructors with a multimedia Discussion platform responsive to their current needs.

For many instructors, the very BEST reason to switch to Harmonize is that it supports "milestones" within a Discussion thread. What does this mean? You can now determine how many responses each student needs to have, in addition to their initial post, and grade accordingly. You can set multiple dates and deadlines within your discussion threads, so that students have to have their initial post by one date and subsequent replies posted by following dates and times, all within the context of a single thread. 

But wait...there's MORE! When creating a Harmonize assignment, you can either go with a normal Discussion thread, or you can set up polls to query students, or you can upload PDFs that can be annotated by multiple students at once.

Harmonize is still in the pilot phase within UM-System Canvas, but the more instructors who use it and provide feedback increase the odds that it will become a permanent feature of Canvas in the future.

Useful Links

Harmonize Support (Instructors) -- Your basic "how-to" guides for using Harmonize from the instructor side.

Harmonize Support (Students) -- This is where students should go to learn how to use Harmonize.

Harmonize Virtual Training Series -- Harmonize offers a number of online webinars to help you get started using Harmonize in your course.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Harmonize has the following documentation on adding a graded Harmonize discussion thread to Canvas:

Creating Graded Harmonize Discussions in Canvas

NOTE: Because Harmonize allows for many different options for creating discussions, it can be a bit overwhelming at first. Start simple and work your way up to the more complex options when you are comfortable with the tool.

Once you've created your Harmonize discussion in Canvas, you will need to grade it and provide feedback to students. Harmonize creates a dashboard for your discussion. You can grade the students' submissions within the SpeedGrader in Canvas.

Grading Your Harmonize Discussions in Canvas

Yes, though there are limitations, of course. 

If milestones are being used for a discussion thread and if auto-grading is enabled, then Harmonize will grade a student's submission according to their overall completion. Did they finish all milestones on time? If so, then they get all the points. If they missed a milestone, then Harmonize will reduce their grade according to how many points that milestone was worth.

Instructors can still use the SpeedGrader to add comments and override the grade, if necessary.

More information about Harmonize Auto-Grader in Canvas