Teaching Resources

Don't know how to layout your course? Need a template to start your syllabus? What about how to explain Academic Integrity? We have compiled resources you can use in your course to communicate with your students.

Course Organization: Templates

Missouri Online provides several templates for all UMSystem faculty to use in their Canvas courses. Template categories include course templates, overview templates, page templates, organizer templates, syllabus templates, student resource templates, and additional resources & templates. Please check them out at MoOnline/UMSystem Canvas Templates.


Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is an important issue in higher education. But, how do you explain the importance of academic integrity to your students? Do they even know exactly what it is? We can't assume that all students have the same understanding of this complex topic. 

Here are some resources to help you communicate with your students, so you are all working from the same understanding.

Don't forget Missouri S&T's Academic Support page about Student Resources for Academic Integrity, this page includes a link to the Missouri S&T Honor Code as well as definitions of Academic Integrity.



Simple Syllabus - Missouri S&T has a syllabus creation software integrated with the Canvas LMS. This software makes it easy to create a fully accessible syllabus for each of your classes. Content can copy from one semester to the next, all the boilerplate information is included and automatically updated. For more information https://it.mst.edu/services/simplesyllabus/

If you prefer not to use Simple Syllabus; CAFE provides a basic syllabus template that includes recommended, regularly updated, syllabus sections and information about student services. Please feel free to download the template and alter it to fit your needs. This template includes current S&T boilerplate information


Scholars' Mine

Scholars' Mine is an online collection of scholarly and creative works produced by the faculty, staff, and students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology. This digital repository is a service of Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources.