QCR Peer Reviewers

QCR Peer Reviewers (QPRs) are members of the S&T teaching community that work with instructional designers (IDs) to conduct Quality Course Reviews (QCRs). 

Their role is to ensure that the highest standards of pedagogy are being met in courses, according to the 5 Pillars Quality Review.

QCR Peer Reviewers receive compensation for their services, based on the number of credit hours of courses they have reviewed. Most courses are 3.0 credit hours, which translates into compensation for each of those credit hours.

NOTE: It WILL take more than 3 hours to conduct a thorough course review.

How QCR Peer Review Works:

  1. An instructor will submit their course for Quality Course Review.
  2. The QCR Coordinator will reach out to QPRs in a department other than the department in which the course belong. For instance, if a course in Mechanical Engineering is submitted for review, a QPR in a department other than Mechanical and Aerospace will be selected to conduct the QCR.
  3. The QCR Peer Reviewer will submit feedback through a Qualtrics form. This feedback will be shared with the ID and the instructor of the course.
  4. The ID will conduct an independent QCR and share the feedback with the QCR Peer Reviewer and the instructor.
  5. Eventually, after some back-and-forth-revisions, the course should pass all criteria of the REQUIRED elements of the 5 Pillars Quality Review.
  6. The QPR will receive compensation for services rendered.

How to Become a QCR Peer Reviewer:

It takes a little bit of training and practice to become a Quality Course Review Peer Reviewer. Not everyone has the time, patience, or inclination to do this work. However, if you are interested in becoming a QCR Peer Reviewer, here is what you can expect:

  1. You will be enrolled in a Canvas course that walks you through everything you need to know about being a QCR Peer Reviewer.
  2. At the end of this course, you will be enrolled in a "practice" Canvas course which you will evaluate using the skills and knowledge you've just learned.
  3. You'll submit your feedback through a Qualtrics form identical to the one that you will use for a live QCR.
  4. An ID will meet with you to discuss your feedback based on what you've seen in the practice course. NOTE: It's OK to have a difference of opinion with the ID--we all have a different teaching style. Be patient and flexible.
  5. Once you have completed this practice session, you'll be added to the roster of available QCR Peer Reviewers. When courses are available to be reviewed, you may be reached out to by the QCR Coordinator for future QCR projects.

Apply to Be a QCR Peer Reviewer