The Online Teaching Certification Seminar (OTCS) is designed to familiarize instructors with the information they need to deliver quality online learning experiences. The seminar supports the UM System-wide requirement that instructors teaching online courses be certified before teaching online, and our Online Teaching Re-Certification Seminar supports the requirement that re-certification occurs every 5 years.
If you have previously been certified with the UMSystem OTCS, ACUE, or other recognized certification program, you may qualify for the Online Teaching Re-Certification Seminar (OTRS).
To verify your online teaching certification status, please submit this form.
To register for an upcoming session visit Canvas Catalog-S&T, or scroll down to the schedule section on this page.
How do the Online Teaching Certification Seminar and the Online Teaching Re-Certification Seminar differ?
The Online Certification Seminar is a 6-week, fully-facilitated program focusing on continued development as an online instructor and strengthening your online teaching through an exploration of 5 Pillars of Quality Course Design. This seminar places an emphasis on learning from and with a cohort of your peers from across Missouri S&T, with facilitation guidance provided by a CAFE staff.
What is the schedule?
The Online Re-Certification Seminar is a 3-week, fully-facilitated program focusing on continued development as an online instructor and strengthening your online teaching through an exploration of 5 Pillars of Quality Course Design. This seminar places an emphasis on learning from and with a cohort of your peers from across Missouri S&T, with facilitation guidance provided by a CAFE staff.
About the course?
To register for an upcoming session visit Canvas Catalog-S&T, or expand the options below.
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