Design or refresh your courses with the help of a CAFE instructional designer
Assessing what students *know* and *do* is one of the most challenging aspects of education
Research suggests that feedback sessions can lead to better instructor evaluations at the end of the semester
Transform student learning experiences by adding engagement and enrichment to your in-class sessions
Use active learning strategies in the classroom to keep students motivated and engaged in their learning
Teaching, learning, and research resources to support access to knowledge
Online Teaching Certification and Recertification Seminars for anyone teaching on campus or online.
KEEN works with partner institutions that share a mission to graduate engineers with an entrepreneurial mindset so they can create personal, economic, and societal value through a lifetime of meaningful work. Over 60 colleges and universities are KEEN partners and are working to transform engineering education around this mission.
Teaching Partners is a voluntary, confidential opportunity for instructors who want to enhance their teaching through peer observation and feedback.
Don't know how to layout your course? Need a template to start your syllabus? What about how to explain Academic Integrity? We have compiled resources you can use in your course to communicate with your students.
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