1-101 // Tiny Tweaks with Big Benefits: Transforming Your Syllabus

HANDS-ON WORKSHOP (1 hour 45 minutes)

Presenter: Dr. Cathryn Friel - Sr. Instructional Designer and Quality Evaluation Team Lead; Missouri Online

Audience: Higher Education

Time and Location: 12:15 - 2:00 p.m.; Room 101

MODE: Face-to-face (Face-to-Face Presenter + Face-to-Face Attendees)

Your syllabus is often the first impression students have of you and your course; its tone can set the path for all subsequent course interactions. During this interactive workshop, you will collaboratively evaluate syllabi for areas that may convey unintended tones and brainstorm ideas that communicate a welcoming and supportive learning environment. After attending this workshop, you will leave with a more inviting, student-centric, and inclusive syllabus.

1-115 // Nearpod: Re-engaging the Disengaged Student

HANDS-ON WORKSHOP (1 hour 45 minutes)

     Dr. Sophia Scott - Professor and Faculty Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning; Southeast Missouri State University
     Dr. Pam Parry - Professor of Mass Media; Southeast Missouri State University

Audience: Higher Education; K-12 Education

Time and Location: 12:15 - 2:00 p.m.; Room 115

MODE: Face-to-face (Face-to-Face Presenter + Face-to-Face Attendees)

Can students rediscover the joy of learning in the college classroom? This session will provide an engagement tool the faculty can use in all modes of delivery. In this session, participants will use the tool in a hands-on demonstration of this easy-to-learn application.

1-215 // Making Fun a Priority at Work

HANDS-ON WORKSHOP (1 hour 45 minutes)

     Dr. Jana Gerard - Coordinator of the EDvolution Center; Southeast Missouri State University
     Kris Baranovic - Instructional Design Manager; Missouri Online


Time and Location: 12:15 - 2:00 p.m.; Room 215

MODE: Face-to-face (Face-to-Face Presenter + Face-to-Face Attendees)

Working in higher ed right now is tough. There’s also the old saw that work isn’t supposed to be fun; if it was fun then we’d call it "going to fun" and not "going to work." With burnout prevalent and work requirements more challenging than ever, it’s a good time to reexamine the role of fun in the work process. This session would examine the role of fun in work and productivity and offer suggestions and strategies on making fun a larger part of work.

3-101 // "Know Thyself, Know Others": Intercultural Competence to Teach, Motivate our Students, and Help Develop the Whole Person

HANDS-ON WORKSHOP (1 hour 45 minutes)

Presenter: Dr. Michel Gueldry - Professor of French and Intercultural Studies; Missouri S&T

Audience: Higher Education; K-12 Education

Time and Location: 2:15 - 4:00 p.m.; Room 101

MODE: Face-to-face (in person)

This interactive session will present 12+ prompts (visuals, sentences, adages, videos, self-evident "truths," etc.) to facilitate discussion and exploration of intercultural skills. We will tease out IC principles and explore how to apply them to all our classes regardless of students' majors, levels, ages, and history. Participants will practice IC skills, tricks and tips that are concise and immediately applicable in class, interpersonal relationships, and life.

3-115 // Help students help themselves by fostering self-regulation in your classes

HANDS-ON WORKSHOP (1 hour 45 minutes)

Presenter: Dr. Sally Wu - Assistant Director for Educational Technology; Washington University in St. Louis

Audience: Higher Education

Time and Location: 2:15 - 4:00 p.m.; Room 115

MODE: Face-to-face (in person)

Help your students identify what helps them learn and, importantly, follow through on using effective strategies. We will discuss self-regulation, which helps students plan, monitor, and assess how they learn, as they learn. You will leave with specific ideas for how you can support students' self-regulation in and outside of your classroom.