The educational research mini-grant program is designed to help instructors tackle a teaching and learning issue in which a specific, measurable research question is examined to bring about improved student learning, retention, or academic success.
Professional Development Funds of up to $1000 are available to support registration fees, airfare, hotel, and per diem travel to a conference or workshop related to SoTL (the scholarship of Teaching and Learning).
The mission of the Institutional Review Board is to protect persons participating in research.
The Missouri S&T Office of Sponsored Programs provides expert research support services in a timely and professional manner to faculty, staff, students and research investors involved with sponsored program activities.
Scholars' Mine is an online collection of scholarly and creative works produced by the faculty, staff, and students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Institutional Research & Data Management provides data and analysis to support decision-making and planning at all levels of the university.
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