The Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence supports, empowers, and educates faculty/instructors to become the most effective educators possible.
Teaching Tools, Course Design & Redesign, Mid-Semester Feedback, and more!
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Educational Research Mini-Grants, SoTL, Provost's eFellows Program
Service and Leadership Opportunities through CAFE Committees
CAFE provides a wide range of events for instructors. Check out our calendar for more information.
Meet with a professional instructional designer to help you design or redesign a course, or learn independently about learning outcomes, soft skills, and rubrics.
Get started on campus with our new faculty checklist, orientation program, and curated events
Minor Mentors, Teaching Partners, and Classroom Observation
View technology options available through Missouri S&T and the UM System for use in your courses.
The University of Missouri system recommends that all instructors who teach online receive training to more effectively focus their instruction for the online modality. CAFE provides training throughout the year.
Learn more about SoTL and educational research resources
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