Ten Steps to Teaching Success

The main purposes of the Ten Steps to Teaching Success program are to provide a path for all tenure-track and non-tenure-track professors to demonstrate engagement in continuous improvement of teaching and student learning, to utilize evidence-based teaching strategies, and to practice reflective teaching.

This is a voluntary program for full-time faculty, intended to be completed in three years, though there is no deadline for completion. It is comprised of five required steps to be completed in any order and five additional steps through activities listed below. Once registered, you will be placed in an informal cohort of peers whom you can use as a resource. You will have access to CAFE facilitators throughout the duration of the program who can provide useful guidance and advice on completing the Ten Steps.

  • Required Components (5 Steps)
  • Optional Components (5 Steps)

Required Components (5 Steps)

Component 1: Building Blocks workshop 

This workshop uses "backward" course design and focuses on essential student learning outcomes. Workshops are offered every August and January. Read chapters 1 and 2 of Felder and Brent's Teaching and Learning STEM book prior to attending. If you would like to borrow a copy of this book, contact cafe@mst.edu. It's also available online for free through Curtis Laws Wilson Library.

Component 2: Canvas Digital Literacy Lightning Rounds

Learn about tools you can use in the classroom to enhance student engagement and increase digital literacy. Lightning Rounds are offered once per semester. The Lightning Round is divided into two categories: Introductory and Advanced. Completion of either one will signify that this Step has been completed.

Component 3: Mid-Semester Feedback

Learn from student feedback what is going well and what could be improved before the end of the course. Sign up here

Component 4: Teaching Partners Program or two classroom observations

Receive individualized feedback about specific teaching aspects you identify. An experienced instructor and instructional designer will observe your class and provide constructive and confidential feedback. Learn more on our Teaching Partners webpage. Or, observe two classes from the list of instructors who can be observed, and write a two-page reflection.

Component 5: Comprehensive Teaching Philosophy

To encourage reflective teaching, write a one- or two-page philosophy about your teaching, to be included in your dossier for tenure and/or promotion. Every year, CAFE hosts an event about how to craft a teaching philosophy.

Optional Components (5 Steps)

To complete the optional components of the Ten Steps to Teaching Success program, participants only need to complete any 5 of the following items, which are divided into 4 main categories: teaching workshops, general or discipline-specific teaching conference, scholarship of teaching and learning grants, and an additional options.

Teaching Workshops

Up to 2 Steps - Earn one Step for attending an on-campus teaching workshop. Earn one Step for presenting at an on-campus workshop.

  • CAFE Instructional Design Workshop - CAFE offers a variety of teaching workshops and events throughout the semester. For a full list of events, visit our Events calendar.

General or Discipline-Specific Teaching Conference

Up to 2 Steps - Earn one Step for attending a conference. Earn one Step for presenting at a conference.

  • Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference - Hosted at Missouri S&T in March; learn more HERE.
  • Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference - This nearby regional conference is hosted by the University of Missouri - St. Louis in the fall. Learn more through UMSL.
  • General or discipline-specific teaching conference - Attend or present at a teaching/educational conference related to your field (such as ASEE).

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grants

Up to 4 Steps Earn one Step each for successful completion of the grant opportunities below.

  • Educational Research Mini-Grant - This program supports scholarly inquiry into a specific question about teaching and learning. Proposals are due in May and awards are announced in June.
  • Provost's eFellows Grant - This program supports whole course redesign or course and lab redesign to be blended or fully online. Proposals are due in June.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Mini-Grant - For more information, contact Dr. Dan Reardon at reardond@mst.edu.
  • Affordable & Open Educational Resource (AOER) Grant - Funds are available from the UM System for faculty who are interested in a) reviewing, b) adopting, or c) creating affordable and open educational resources.

Additional Options

Up to 3 Steps - Earn one Step each for completion of the following options.